Monthly Archives: October 2011

My inspiration

This week I received an offline from an old friend. She’s someone I first met in Second Life in about 2006 or 2007. We became close quite quickly and I enjoyed her company a lot and missed her when she didn’t log in. We became inseparable to some extent and I found myself craving time I could spend with her. She understood me in a way no one else did. I was sure she and I would be friends for life.

As often happens in Second Life she found some new friends. I’m ashamed to admit how juvenile I was when this happened. I felt like I was being replaced. To some extent I was. I don’t think either of us realized the extent of it at the time. My insecurities got the better of me and I did everything I could think of to make it difficult to remain friends with me. In the end her new friends gave her a partial ultimatum – it was me or them. Whether they did it as explicitly as that sounds or if it was more subtle I suppose I will never know. What I do know is that we both let it happen. We could have talked it through before it got to the stage it did but neither of us would admit we needed to.

For what seemed like an eternity I stalked her profile and tried to keep tabs on how things were going with her. Occasionally one of us would send an im but it was always strained. I would have been surprised if all we talked about was the weather. Mostly it was a basic “Hi. How are you?” type conversation. We became virtual strangers. But something made us hold on to the past, or at least to the memory of our friendship.

As time passed she found those other friends weren’t as lifelong as she’d thought. I won’t go into why or what transpired because it’s between them. But I will say I felt a sense of relief when I heard they were no longer in her life. I don’t blame them for what transpired between the two of us but they were in part responsible.

Anyway, back to the offline that inspired this entry. It was basically an offline to touch bases. She reminded me we don’t talk enough. That got me thinking – too often I assume that I’ll have time “next week” to contact people. I shouldn’t do that. So be prepared for offline spam – just remember, it’s just because I care,

RIP Steve Jobs

I cannot find the words.

So to use his …

you can’t connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them looking backwards, so you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something–your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever–because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well-worn path, and that will make all the difference.

Like A Pig In The Mud

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted pictures in my blog, especially of Miss Three more commonly known as Natasha.

I thought I’d try and do a blog entry a week that has photos of her – it will inspire me to take more photos as I seem to do this less and less these days.

So here are some pictures taken a month ago … I arrived home from work to find her playing in a puddle of mud. That’s one of the benefits of having a house I suppose. (P.S. It only took three washes to get all the mud out of her jeans.)

Natasha 2nd Sept 2011Natasha 2nd Sept 2011 Natasha 2nd Sept 2011 Natasha 2nd Sept 2011 Natasha 2nd Sept 2011 Natasha 2nd Sept 2011

I’m not to good at this

So here I am again, temporarily inspired to blog about anything and everything. I’m sure no one is going to read it anyway but I was talking to my brother the other day about the fact my Dad used to write in a diary every day, documenting the things he thought.

It got me thinking. I’ve always blamed “not enough time in the day” for not keeping this up-to-date but mostly it’s because I can’t be bothered. I stopped blogging about Second Life regularly when B accused me of using it to passively aggressively attack my friends all under the guise of “my blog I can write what I want.” I realize now that’s the main difference between the idea of a blog and the idea of a diary like my Dad used to write in. A blog is publicly private (if that makes sense). A diary is private unless you chose to let someone read it. You don’t have to censor. In the case of my Dad’s diary he’s ensured that the thoughts he thinks would upset us have been erased with a thick black texta thus censoring himself for when the day comes those diaries become mine. (Hopefully that won’t be for decades though.)

So what’s this in aid of? I’m sure Nicki will think it’s because she started a Second Life Fashion blog but really it’s been a long time coming. The truth is I miss having a place to dump my thoughts. My Facebook statuses cause more drama than my blog ever did even though some people will find that hard to believe and I’m less likely to be pulled up over my blog. I thought about activating my blog again so I could disassociate the blog from my real life when posting about Second Life but then that’s almost like ignoring part of my existence. So I’ll blog here and disable the ability for Google to index the blog. Not a full proof plan but something none the less.

I also thought I might do a photo a week thing. I’m scanning my photos from September to find one of Natasha. I’m proud of my little girl and it gives me an excuse to let everyone else see what a big girl she’s becoming.